

Writing Projects 


The Inheritance

The cruelty of nighttime’s darkness felt all at once calm and tranquil to Victoria. She began to let herself drift off into the night. Her body, performing a version of herself and Mother and neither, could take over. 

Isolated orphans look to the undead for parenting. “The Inheritance” (short story) was published within CREATurE Issue 2: Parasite in 2024.

The World Is Music

The kookaburra laughs at you, for you will never know in the way you want to. Only stand barefoot in the dirt and let the sound of life swallow you.

Written on and inspired by time on Yorta Yorta Country. “The World Is Music” (prose) was published in Humana Obscura: Issue 8 in 2024.


The only thing you can think to do is to go down and rummage in her pockets for cash. Why would you think that? It’s not a woman down there, think it and it’ll be true, it’s just a bag of fruit.Your face is fresh produce, just like hers. There’s two of you. Two of us.

A minimum-wage customer service worker is haunted by a spectre. “Hauntourism” (short story) placed 2nd in The Marj Wilke Short Story Award by Women Writers Queensland in December 2023.


You think loosely about writing your shopping list, but the page is now full of words:

[I couldn’t see them from where I was, you’ll have to remember that yourself]

The same sentence, over and over again.

A untitled experimental fiction exploring memory and time. “[untitled]” (manuscript) was highly commended for a Writeability Fellowship in December 2023.


Titania hesitates, before quietly, “did they give you a choice?”
You stare at her. Surely she knows MOTHERBOARD can hear them. Surely she knows that the truth doesn’t matter because she’ll get the only version you’re allowed to say anyway. Unblinking you say “of course they did.”

A solitary mechanic is thrust into an covert mission and falls in love for the first time. “SUPERNOVA (a SLUTNIK™ story)” (serial manuscript) debuted on WattPad in October 2023.

This is not a review...it's a Planet of Incels

Earlier drafts ended with a revenge killing spree; MOTHERBOARD repeating history by violently massacring all of the incels, seeing this as the only viable way to keep us safe. Senseless violence begets senseless violence etc. But, over the past year or so, I’ve found several depictions of violence or the lives affected by it to increasingly exasperate me…

A call and response think piece about the staged premier of SLUTNIK™ 2: Planet of the Incels. “This is not a review…it’s a Planet of the Incels” (article) was co-written by Flick and Guy Webster and published in October 2023.

SLUTNIK™: Planet of the Incels

I respected you, and I got a no, I don’t respect you, I still get a no. You don’t get to do this to me, you’re not allowed to do this to me!

Hundreds of years after liftoff, a member of the SLUTNIK™ crew touches down in an alternate universe where men have been forcibly isolated. “SLUTNIK™ 2: Planet of the Incels” (theatre/experimental) premiered at Theatre Works in September 2022.

Access and excellence

It is an act of defiant hope to implement community in spaces you have traditionally found isolating - whether that be in big ways or small.

A personal look into praxis and accessibility. “Access and excellence” (article) was commissioned by the Youth Disability Advocacy Service for their Disability Pride series and published in July 2023.


You want to leave. Build a ship and fucking leave. You build and build and build. First the anger, then the courage, then the mother fucking ship.

A group of ex-NASA lesbians decide to escape planet Earth, vowing to find a planet less hostile to female bodies. “SLUTNIK™” (theatre/experimental) premiered at Midsumma Festival in February 2022, then remounted at Melbourne Fringe in October 2022, and again at Adelaide Fringe in February 2023.

Blackout (2007)

Are you both seeing this too? Is the new first sign of grief hallucinating? This is the worst fucking night of my life… You know what I’m thinking? GHB

Three women in a club bathroom find themselves teleported into an alien-like ship… or is it the home base of a new age cult? “Blackout (2007)” (short play) was co-written by Flick, Callum Mackay & Sarah Carroll and presented by Dollhouse Collective for an online premiere in September 2021.


My panic feels like gravity has disappeared even though that’s not how gravity works, but as long as I have help to feel compressed then I can wait until it passes without floating away.

A school girl remembers an awkward turn of phrase and a sleepover gone wrong. Commissioned by ATYP and Nightingale Content during their RoomWorks program, “Compression” (monologue) premiered during an online event in July 2020.

Performance Review

Ok, another con, you make lists about me.

A couple sits down to finalise a quarterly review… of their relationship. “Performance Review” (short play) premiered in Los Angeles in July 2019.

Apartment 348

I didn’t do this. Please, I didn’t do this. You’ve gotta choose something else.

A choose your own adventure live show where only one character can survive. “Apartment 348” (theatre/experimental) was commissioned by Queerspace Arts in June 2019.